Linux / 电脑技术 · 2023年12月6日 0

Subsonic 忘记密码怎么办

You subsonic password?

Look on the subsonic server in /var/subsonic/db (or c:\subsonic\db) for a file called subsonic.script. In this file you should find some text that looks like this:

Code: Select all
INSERT INTO USER VALUES(‘your_username’,’enc:70617373776f7264′,0,0,0,FALSE)

The values will differ from that above. The important part is the ‘enc:70617373776f7264’. Take the part after the colon (represented here by ‘70617373776f7264’) and plug it into the hex2asii converter at:

It should decode the hex and print the ascii password. If you decode my example above it should be ‘password’.